Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Out of the mouths of babes....

Today, God spoke to me in a way so clear that I could not fail to hear Him. He spoke to me through a prayer that my two year old son prayed and, in doing so, He reminded me that He knows me, loves me and is with me always. 

To put things in context, I have found the last few weeks hard work. There's been nothing in particular that should make it so, but daily life has at times felt like a bit of a struggle: I guess it is probably just a combination of the daily juggling act that is looking after two small boys, and all the cooking, cleaning, shopping, and washing that goes with that. 

Everything is fine when we are out and about or with other people, but I have started to find the mornings and lunchtimes particularly difficult as I try and juggle looking after the children and meeting their needs with the things that need doing around the house, along with trying to get the three of us ready to go out to groups or visit friends. Everything just seems a bit never-ending! And as a result of all this I have started to find myself less patient with my children, particularly my two year old when he is doing what two year olds do best and being demanding!

Yesterday I spent the evening wallowing in self-pity, focusing on what I've not been doing right, or on the things that I'm finding hard. Hubby was doing his best to reassure me, but somehow his encouragements weren't sinking in. 

Fast forward to this morning and my son had found his book of children's prayers so we sat down together for a couple of minutes to read a prayer for the day. I asked him if he would like to say his own prayer too. He did. His prayer brought tears to my eyes as it was the closest thing to God giving me a hug that I could get. God took the things that were getting me down and completely turned them on their heads.

It reminded me how much God wants to speak and encourage us in what we are doing, particularly when we find things plain hard work. In whatever we do, I think it's amazing that we believe in a God who knows us so well, He can speak into our hearts in a way that stops us dead in our tracks and demands our attention as He tells us He loves us and is with us. 

The prayer my son prayed? "Thank you Jesus for Mummy."

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