Friday, 2 December 2011

Strike Action

The last few days have seen a lot of people taking a stand against the government and the current political and economic situation. It seems that even my two year old is getting in on the act, going on strike against 'the government of Mummy' (referred to from here on as 'the Government'.)

So it seems that this morning, as with most other mornings this week, the representative from the Union of Toddlerhood (referred to hereafter as 'the Union member') has taken umbrage at the underhand tactics of 'the Government' as she has tried to enforce various appalling rules which clearly, he feels, infringe his human rights: rules such as having a nappy changed in the morning and putting a jumper on, for example. 

After much of the week spent in deep negotiations to try to resolve these issues and reach a mutually agreeable solution, 'the Government' finally lost patience this morning and, when all other calm tactics had been attempted and had come to nothing, the last resort was tried: screaming blue murder! Unfortunately, even this had no effect on 'the union member' who appeared totally impervious to all pleas, entreaties and threats and preferred instead to run around cold and naked in his bedroom, screaming whenever 'the Government' attempted an approach. 

The situation remained uncertain as 'the Government' gave up hope of ever resolving the situation and went downstairs to give 'the union member's' brother his breakfast, whilst the union member, failing to realise that no-one was now listening, continued to plead his case alone upstairs. 

Fortunately an unbiased arbitrator was able to step in at the eleventh hour (interrupting his morning shave to do so) and was able to reason with 'the union member'. A solution was reached when 'the union member' was delivered downstairs to breakfast fully clothed and ready to apologise to 'the government' for going on strike. 

Although the problem was resolved, this left 'the Government' to bemoan her ineffectuality in dealing with 'the union member' and suggesting that maybe she should switch roles with the arbitrator and head off to his work leaving him to manage 'the union member' for the remainder of the day.

In this instance the stand-off was resolved with both parties saying sorry and having a cuddle: a happy outcome for all involved. Both parties are aware, however, that this will not be the end of the battle. Further negotiations will commence tomorrow!


  1. Brilliant post Rachel and so so true of our lives as parents. How is it that the Union Member's younger sibling seems to just watch it all happen? Hope the Government is recovering x

  2. Thanks Fi, strikes are currently on hold over this issue...I'm sure there will be more around the corner though! And you're so right about younger siblings - they just sit and take it all in - hopefully not watching and learning how to behave in the future!

  3. Fantastic post Rachel. I just laughed out loud on a silent retreat oops. Love lyd
