Monday, 3 October 2011


I have spent most of the weekend lying in bed recovering from a virus. I was devastated to have to miss the reception of our friends' wedding on Saturday and to miss the fun of a full house yesterday with my hubby and boys, and a house full of grandparents, in-laws, and nieces / nephews. 

However, as I lay in bed, grumpy and fed-up, listening to all the fun that was going on in our garden, I suddenly felt an unbelievable sense of being very blessed: blessed by my amazing parents and parents-in-law who are so wonderful looking after my boys, and by a family who all have so much fun together and are willing to give so much support to each other.

Most of all, I realised what a joy my children are and how I don't stop to notice this enough. It's easier with my youngest son as he stays still for long enough for me to just enjoy him! With my eldest though, I realised that during a normal day I am so focused on running the house, getting us out of the door for toddler groups, cooking meals, changing nappies, dealing with tantrums (the list could go on) that I don't spend enough time looking at him, marvelling at the little boy he is becoming and noticing the lovely little things about his personality.

Yesterday, with all the normal jobs and routines of childcare taken over by other family members I was able to just listen to him chatting away, playing games with his cousins or watch him out of the window digging up soil. I was able to fully enjoy him being him without the normal ups and downs of daily life that I usually have to contend with as well. 

John 1 v 16 states "from the fullness of His grace, we have received one blessing after another." Yesterday I was able to pause and reflect on some of the blessings God has given me. My prayer for the coming week is that I will continue to find time to do that and to thank God for all that He gives me. 

I pray that you too, whatever your circumstance, will find some time in the coming days to realise the ways that God has blessed you through your families, your friends and your children; that through the ups and downs of a normal week, you will experience more of God's grace and more of His blessings being heaped upon you. 

1 comment:

  1. Rachel your post is so full of honesty and a sense of God's love. It's easy to miss the blessings in the busy, frenetic activity of the day and all that encompasses being a mum! Thank you x
