At the risk of jumping on the London Riots bandwagon, I have been thinking a lot about this recently. It seems that so many people were very quick to judge those who were looting and rioting, but there were very few who were willing to try and view things from a different perspective.
In my previous life I taught at an inner-city secondary school and can well imagine that some of my ex-pupils will have been among the rioters. During my time teaching my heart would break for these young people who had never experienced someone to love them, to offer guidance and to instill respect in them. Many of these pupils did not have parental role models or people who could show them love and respect. How then are they to love and respect themselves, let alone other people in society?
I do not want to make excuses for the individuals who instigated or were drawn into the riots.What they did was illegal, dangerous and totally disrespectful of other people and property. However, I do want to try and view them from God's perspective: they are His children, created by Him, loved by Him, able to be restored by Him.
I feel sure that the same Jesus who said: "let the little children come unto me" (Matthew 19.14) would also draw these young people to himself and show them a better way.
Unfortunately, Jesus does not live in London, so it falls to us instead to follow his example! As a mother, I pray that God gives me the grace, love and patience that I need to bring up my children to follow His path. I also pray for those children and young people who do not know what it means to be loved and guided by a parent: that they may come to know the Jesus who wants to draw them close.
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